About Kazakhstan
Take a look at Kazakhstan
After breakdown of the USSR in 1991, Kazakhstan became an independent state. It is a unitary presidential republic with population of over 16 million people covering an area of 2,742,900 square kilometers (the world's ninth largest territory). Kazakhstan borders Russia on the North, China on the South-East and is washed by the Caspian Sea on the West. West regions of Kazakhstan are known for intensive development of oil and gas extraction activities.
Kazakhstan Patent and Trademark System
Kazakhstan adopted its initial patent and trademark laws in 1992. Currently, Kazakhstan is a member of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and a signatory to a number of agreements, conventions and treaties in the area of intellectual property, such as the Paris Convention, the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), the Madrid Agreement, and the Eurasian Patent Convention. The Eurasian Patent Convention was signed by nine of the former USSR states and provides protection for inventions in all of the member states, on the basis of a single patent document.